Dr Michael Böhm is Director of the Clinic for Internal Medicine and Chief of Cardiology at the University of the Saarland University, Germany in Homburg/Saar in Germany. He is also President of the German Society of Cardiology and Assistant and Associate Doctor of Internal Medicine and Cardiology at the University of Cologne zu Köln, Germany.
Dr Böhm received his medical training at the Medical School of Hannover in Germany and completed his residency in internal medicine and fellowships in cardiology at Gro hadern Clinic Ludwig Maximillans University in Munich, Germany at the Klinikum Großhadern.
His research interests are pathophysiology and therapy of heart failure, particularly signal transduction in the failing heart and vascular biology. He has been the principal investigator in several international multicenter studies and has written over 350 original papers, book chapters and review articles. He is Chief Editor of Clinical Research in Cardiology and is a reviewer for multiple scientific journals in the cardiovascular field.